Information correct as of 09:30am 20th March 2020:
Dear all,
In light of the COVID–19 outbreak I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all well and reassure you that we are making the best possible efforts to minimise interruption whilst protecting the health and safety of our employees and stakeholders.
We will continue to monitor and review the situation on a day-to-day basis, and will announce any changes as they emerge, but the latest is as follows:
- Production across our brands will continue as normal. Our stock levels are healthy and we are currently seeing no shortage issues.
- Where possible, employees that can, are working from home and are available by email and phone.
- We are limiting public exposure to our team and as such are not arranging visits until further notice. If you have an existing meeting scheduled we are taking a policy that if all meeting members still feel comfortable to hold a face to face meeting then it can proceed, however, if one member does not want to meet a subsequent phone call will be arranged.
- Only essential travel to customer sites will be undertaken by Bignall Group employees and will be assessed on a case by case basis.
If you have any questions going forward please remain close to your usual contacts within our business and we will work with all our partners to get through this unprecedented situation. Remember the best thing every individual can do is to ensure we are regularly washing our hands so please continue to do so.
We will continue to keep you all updated and welcome any feedback or questions you may have.
Yours Sincerely,
Mark Coatsworth
Group Commercial Manager